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helping you heal

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My philosophy as a holistic practitioner is to encourage your own ability to heal emotionally, physically and spiritually.


Each and every one of us has the ability to heal ourselves. The body is remarkable, it has an intelligent system that communicates our pains, both physically and emotionally and can heal without you even thinking about it. We need only to find the way and take the time to listen to our bodies, which communicates what is going on for us emotionally.

My intention is to offer a 'person centred' approach, be an active listener and offer a safe space for you to release anything that you may be holding onto that may be causing emotional and physical issues. To use my energy to hold the space for you and use my tools and knowledge to help facilitate your healing. There is no judgement in my sessions and I welcome the whole of who you are and where you are at on your journey.

“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”

- Rachel Naomi Remen

How I came to Sound Healing and Abdominal/Womb Healing

It was in 2013 when I lost my dear father to cancer, that I decided to further explore my passion for alternative therapies and wellbeing.


I attended courses in Palliative care massage techniques, Aromatherapy for massage and trained as a Carers Assistant for end of life with The Brigitte Trust in Dorking. It was during this time that I had my own profound personal experience with Shamanic work and Sound Healing which propelled me on my way to training and working as a Sound Healer/ Therapist, Gong Master and Shamanic Practitioner.​


Several years later, I was in a bodywork session and I felt the deep need to massage my cesarean scar with my own hands. When I began doing this, floods of tears came and stored trauma from my youngest son's traumatic  birth came up. It was after this session and another, that I realised trauma of my lost pregnancies and life experiences were stored in this sacred space. I felt the need to research how women's emotions and life experiences can be stored in the womb. As I learnt more about the body and how our emotional state can determine our physical health, I felt called to work with women in a deeper way leading me to the work of Clare Spink - the creatrix and founder of Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy and Empowered Feminine Therapy and others. I trained with Clare Spink from The Academy of Holistic Massage and Leora Leboff from Aura Mama.



I am also a '13th Rite of the Womb - Womb Keeper'. Taught by and received the rite from Sharon Ramel, as was shared and passed on from Marcela Lobos. Mercela Lobos shared the transmission she received on several occasions in visions and dreams from women elders in Perú. The womb rite is to free the woman and the womb of pain and suffering stored in the womb. This rite can also be shared with men for their Hara space and to clear any maternal line woundings. It can be shared with young girls, pregnant and older women. 

I am a Trauma Informed practitioner and use core counselling skills in my private sessions, I am highly intuitive and in our private sessions together I receive insights into what may be the underlying cause for a problem.


I have a great understanding and deep respect for the healing power of Sound, Vibration and Energy, and for how the human body can teach us what emotional issues are still stored in our body and that need healing.

​I have trained with The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, The College of Sound Healing, Sarah Gregg at Reiki Drum/The Harmony of Spheres, Simon Heather, The Academy of Sound HealingCatherine Hale, Clare Spink - Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy™, Sharon Ramel, The Four Winds - Alberto Villoldo and SGS Stroud College.

Relevant Qualifications held:

Certificate in Sound Therapy
Certificate in Theory and Practice of Shamanic Healing
Certificate Gong Master Practitioner
Yoga Nidra Facilitators Certificate
Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy Accredited Diploma​

13th Rite of the Womb - Munay-Ki Body Of Rites And Transmissions - Womb Keeper
NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills 
TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems (RQF) 
TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Principles of End of Life Care

I look forward to working together!

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is the use of specialist instruments, music, specific sounds and the voice for mental and physical well-being. 

Sound has long been used to induce altered states and in healing. The basic principle of Sound Healing is to restore the correct vibration to the body, mind and spirit when vibrating out of harmony. This is done through the vibration and frequencies that sound produces. Specific instruments used together or alone create frequencies that can induce a theta brain wave state that allows one to enter into a deep meditative state.


It is in this state that one receives the benefits of sound healing and the nervous system can rebalance itself. This deep meditative state also allows one to reestablish a deeper connection to the self and the body's ability to heal itself.

Sound Healing has seen a surge in popularity in recent years and there are now a number of studies and articles with evidence-based information to support the use of this modality in well-being. 

The best evidence though is to experience it for yourself. 

Known Benefits of Sound Therapy:

  • Improves moods

  • Provides deep relaxation

  • Reduced stress

  • Reduces anxiety and depression

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Lower cholesterol levels

  • Improves pain

  • Boosts immune system

  • Improved sleep

One can experience in a session:
  • Deep relaxation

  • Visuals or vivid dreams

  • Energy moving through the body

  • Energy in one specific part of the body

  • Emotional release

  • Heat or mild pain in areas of old pain or injury

  • Sound moving through and around you

  • Loss of or distortion of time


Each session is unique to the individual and no treatment or group experiences are the same. 



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A 90 minute Sound Therapy session using gongs, the voice and other instruments known for their healing properties. The Gongs' role in sound healing is to take the person receiving treatment into an altered state in which they can be open to receive healing.

The Gong has been used for centuries for sound healing. It can stimulate the body’s own natural ability to heal due to its vibrational energy and the various frequencies that are produced.

One only needs to sit or lie down and allow the gongs to work their magic!

During a consultation Marisa will offer space for you to share and we will discuss the treatment, benefits and what you can expect.

It is recommended to have weekly sessions and at least 4 treatments to fully feel the benefits, however I usually leave this up to the individual to decide what is best for them.


90 min session - consultation and Gong Therapy treatment - £45

Private event hire, such as: Yoga retreats, Festivals, Corporate Events etc. Your needs can be discussed and a quote given. Please contact me directly.


*Contraindications - This treatment may not be suitable for the following conditions: Heart conditions or pacemaker, Early pregnancy/ 1st trimester, recent surgery.

*Please see Cancellation Policy

A 60 minute Sound Therapy session using Tuning Forks. Tuning Forks have distinctive benefits and healing outcomes and are used either near the ears (unweighted tuning forks) or on the body (weighted tuning forks). 

Tuning forks are two pronged metal sound tools that have different frequencies at which they vibrate and produce sounds. They can balance the bodies energy, promote harmony and in the case of the 128Hz tuning fork, spike nitric oxide aiding in healing of the physical body. 

Treatments for the follow is possible:

  • Chronic pain

  • Exhaustion

  • Hypersensitive nervous system

  • Headaches, migraines and overthinking

  • Pain caused by physical trauma

  • Nerve damage and muscular pain

  • Joint problems

  • Insomnia or low-quality sleep

  • Menstrual cramps and problems

  • Digestive problems

  • Grief and Loss



60 min session - consultation and Tuning Fork therapy treatment - £40

*Contraindications - This treatment may not be suitable for the following conditions: Epilepsy, pacemaker or other device implants, early pregnancy 1st trimester, recent surgery or broken bones.

*Please see Cancellation Policy

(Womb and Fertility)

Womb Health and Fertility Massage is a non invasive abdominal and sacral therapeutic massage which is incredibly nurturing and healing.

Womb and Fertility massage (WFM) is a blend of different holistic modalities, aiming to reconnect the woman to her body, as well as restoring balance and increasing blood flow and removing of toxins to the reproductive, digestive & sacral areas of the body.

This technique is also beneficial for clearing stagnant energy, particularly if you are trying to conceive, but also beneficial for those with period pain, womb conditions such as Endometriosis, Peri Menopause/ Menopause or are healing from trauma or illness.

The womb health and fertility massage will be about 90 mins. I allow 2 hours for the session as we have a short consultation before and after the massage session. We will be working on the lower back, abdomen and lower abdomen toward the pubic area. The session ends with the body being wrapped in a 'restoring of the soul ceremony' using beautiful authentic Rebozo wraps handmade in Mexico.

I incorporate sound therapy into my sessions and this is normally done intuitively either with traditional methods such as drum or crystal bowls etc.   

It is a very loving massage and an active participation massage. You will be asked questions and asked to observe what is going on in your body and emotionally throughout the massage. Further information on this massage is discussed when enquiring or booking.​



2hr Womb and Fertility Massage - including consultations                                                           £85


Book 4 treatments and get 1 free.


Commit to at least one treatment a month​. 
Payment plans can be arranged to spread costs.

*Please see Cancellation Policy

Shamanic journeying is traveling to the "invisible worlds" beyond our everyday lives to retrieve information that we can use in our reality to bring us healing.

This is deep work where we journey together to an energetic invisible world, where all things are known and understood. Through drumming I enter an altered state to retrieve information. 

"Shamanic journeying is an incredible tool to receive healing and guidance in our lives. With the help of our spirits, we can be guided to create a life filled with meaning, joy, and passion. We begin to wake up from the spell we have been under that says we are only what we seem to be in the material world. We begin to engage in a dance with life and life's cycles. We learn to move from a life of fear and survival into one in which we begin to thrive."
                                          SANDRA INGERMAN

SOUL RETRIEVALS - Retrieve parts of your soul lost due to trauma and other life experiences

SOUL RELEASE - Release of soul ties from past relationships, parents etc

SPIRIT ANIMAL JOURNEY - connect with spirit guides to help gain insight into your souls journey. 



60 minute consultation and Shamanic Healing - DONATIONThis work is offered on a cash donation basis. Investment is based on what you feel the session was worth to you.

*Please see Cancellation Policy


I am available for private hire for events such as: Yoga retreats, Festivals, Corporate Events, Charity events, Workshops, Fundraisers, Weddings and for Sound Therapy in your own space.


I offer special discounted rates for Hospices and charities. 

Your needs can be discussed and a quote given.


Please contact me directly.​



Unforeseen circumstances may cause you to cancel your appointment. I am committed to providing a unique experience to all my clients and kindly request that out of respect for my time, that all cancellations are made within a 24 hour notice period for all treatments, my own workshops and group sessions.

If you do not arrive for your appointment or group session, you will be charged for the treatment.


If you would like to reschedule for your private treatment this can be arranged, prior to the 24 hour notice. This does not apply to group events or workshops. 

Late cancellations and ‘no-shows’ do not allow for others to have used that time and disrupt the session planning.

A reminder or confirmation of your session is sent out via email a day or two before your scheduled appointment. 

If I have to cancel your session or group event within the 24hr period, you can choose to either receive a full refund or use towards another session or group event. 

I appreciate your understanding and co-operation.


Reconnect with yourself and allow yourself time to receive the gift of self care with Yoga Nidra and Sound Journey with Gongs. 1 hour and 15 minutes of relaxation!

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation, directly translated it means 'Yogic Sleep'. It is beautiful way of being present with yourself as you float between the worlds of sleep and deep consciousness.  Just 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra is believed to be the equivalent of 2-4 hours of  sleep and has a benefit on your physical and mental well-being.

Sound Journeys are known for their deeply relaxing benefits, with the gongs the stars of the journey allowing you to drift off into an altered state, where you can experience and receive the benefits of sound healing through the vibrations and frequencies produced.


Please note a slight price increase for sessions as of January 2024



SUN 5th May

7:00 PM – 8:15 PM




SUN 19th May

7:00 PM – 8:15 PM




SUN 9th June

7:00 PM – 8:15 PM




SUN 23rd June

7:00 PM – 8:15 PM





WHAT TO BRING: Please bring a yoga mat or something to lie on, a blanket, pillow and a bottle of water. If you struggle to lie on the floor for long periods, you may wish to bring extra padding or a deck chair to lie on. 


CANCELLATIONS: If you can’t make the session, please do let me know 24hr in advance, so that I can offer the place to someone else who may be on the waiting list. Late cancellations and no shows cannot be refunded. Payment in advance secures your booking.


Please arrive 5 mins before to set up. No late entry as it disturbs the session.


CONTRAINDICATIONS: If you are in your first trimester of pregnancy or have a pace maker, please consult with a Dr before coming.

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Want to stay updated on events?


Tel: +44 7572 428 097

How can I help?

Thanks for submitting!

M.M - Womb massage

I have known Marisa for a couple of years now and I genuinely feel so grateful to have her in my life. To be offered the opportunity to be a case study was a privilege and I feel honoured to have been asked to receive such an amazing gift. Each time I stepped into the space that Marisa had created I felt like I could be completely myself and completely present. The environment was warm, inviting and felt safe. It was a small chunk of time that had a huge impact on the rest of my week. 

S.W - Shamanic Soul Retrieval 

“My soul release and retrieval session with Marisa brought so much clarity and healing that I experienced a profound and positive shift in my life. Thank you Marisa.” 

C.O - Womb Massage

Thank you so much for your beautiful treatments. I felt so safe, cared for and included in the whole process. I find your collaborative approach so empowering and unique. At first I thought "well shouldn’t you know what best to do", but as sessions went on I realised that I felt safer and more empowered to be part of the process all the way rather than handing over responsibility for my healing. It's a very respectful  approach and enabled me to trust and listen in more to what own body needed from you by way of support and encouragement to express, release and heal.  
You are very perceptive, intuitive, gentle and powerful. I felt in safe and healing hands.
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